Pubg Reshade Crash Fix

When ever you install "reshade" and pubg crashes on full-screen and you don't have powerful enough pc to run it on windowed mode in this case go to the folder where your tsigameexe is located: "c:program files (x86)steamsteamappscommonpubgtslgamebinarieswin64" look for file called "dxgidll" and rename it to "d3d11dll" then launch. Pubg reshade crash fix. This can prevent the game from crashing due to interference from your pre-installed antivirus software install latest patches install the latest patches released by manufacturers to fix bugs and keep the game software up-to-date thus, the above methods can help prevent the pubg game from crashing on your pc.

pubg reshade crash fix

Pubg releases frequent patches to either add new content or fix existing bugs/issues pubg took notice of the frequent crashing by users and subsequently released a series of fixes these fixes are usually mandatory for the users to installed before they can play the game but some are optional as well.

more info for pubg reshade crash fix download link file

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